A news article on our lab is available in Slownews and AVEC_G (Korean). YG appreciates Glenda Park for her sincere interview and editing! https://slownews.kr/78949 https://www.avecg.net/avec-g/kaist-ltgt
Wonjin is a 4th year undergraduate student in the Department of Biological Sciences of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST). Welcome Wonjin!
YG’s interview is available on the department webpage (in Korean). It provides a nice introduction to what his lab is aiming for. Click here for the interview!
Click this link to view the article!
Ipsita is a 2nd year undergraduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering. Welcome Ipsita!
Isabel is a 4th-year undergraduate student in the Department of Biological Sciences at KAIST. She will be joining Park lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Isabel!
Also, Prof. Park will open “Special lectures in Bio and Brain Engineering <Neurotechniques>(BiS800) this Fall at KAIST! This class will be held as real-time zoom classes, and will cover diverse technologies of Neuroscience, their perspectives, and possible advancements.
Use this link for the full article: link
Please see the full article here: link